A Pirates sail
I slept like a child
and I think ? Was I ever a child.
So much I do not know ...
like how to be a girlfriend
how to get the carelessness of a borrowed friend
and the games of those who cannot let the past move on
such a curse is that of a woman who will not love another but that of her dead husband
the sea tell not a lie on the dead.
they gave me my late husbands remains in a bag
I felt my soul depart from this land
how could I go on?
I held the heaviness of the bag that contained my husband and
thought of everyday he hugged me.
I thought of every time I let him down
In my head I heard a scream....
I started to haunt my own dreams
To give it away:
I held the heavy bag and thought of the times I held him close and felt
his chest move against mine...
A lifetime ...
some say he held me down?
they were not there to know of his dedication
and my failure..
Tis a long walk to purgatory Bonnielynn:
So comes the day, in fact everyday I know of my faults
Follow your heart on thin ice:
The heart knows and Jesus leads us home
but not so for the departed....and the ones left behind.
I dreamed of the devil and rightfully so
as I let him in once again.
he came to destroy the limited happiness I had tried to build
a life lived without his misery just cannot be.
The day almost over when GrandMary came into my room dragging a huge chest, waving her arm
towards it, " girl here are my old costumes and all sorts of make up, you can be who you want to be".
I opened the pirates chest, to find the costumes of an imagination.
I ran my hands over the material, and thought of all I could be.
No text day:
He said. " I am going out and I cannot text you or talk to you",
The spider wraps his bait and then eats.
I was confused and thought, " I understand working but ?" then I came to understand, the ways of
the liar, and I burned my soul again, " once a bastard never to change", I was made fun of once again.
He did not care about me, he wanted to ruin what I had built with out him.
There is no room in the inn that is "BonnieLynn", I saw him for his ways, and let him go yet again.
He will not rest until he see's the skin of my soul raised on a flag on his ship called " the departed"
it would take a better pirate than him to breach my " fortress of the high seas", I block him in any way
I can.
Easy comes the day:
I understand that he only wants to destroy the one who denied.
I ran the ocean cliffs today and raised my arms to the Irish sky and said , " no more of his lies"
and ran the rest of the way making plans to move far away .