The Star Fucker A short story blog on a faded musician
THE STAR FUCKER: I watched as he is smirked at read the posts of terrible comments, I smile everything he tried to do and say to me is now his curse as people remark on everything from his personal appearance to his lack of fame . I remember his words to me , " hurry up and get famous so I can associate with you", said so causality leaving an invisible burn. The comments people make are so funny right to point and true, all he once stood for is gone, he stands a fat old looking bloated fool.
IT'S YOU NOT ME He said I wasn't good enough, not pretty enough not talented enough to make it, Is that when I started to hate him? I think so but maybe it was when I learned of his mocking me behind my back with friends apparently famous enough? I watched him boast about all his fame listened to him brag about his money and reading these posts about him now is his karma times three. No one likes him No one knows of him only that he is not good enough, rich enough OR normal looking enough all the horrid things he once said to me. He uses people he calls friends erases those who has no use for anymore and chases after any thing with fame and money. He is now her dog boy, to be ridiculed for her need for media attention knowing fully that no one would ever accept him she could control him as he is the " star fucker" a person who has no real friends. He tries to come back to me ? yet the third time complaining all about me threatening to leave and I laugh at him because one day he will understand what he lost in me. I just do not care anymore I question what I ever did see in him? He is dirty looking, yellow teeth, foul mouth, sleeping with one of the dirtiest women in the country his prize a meth mouth drunkard. They fit together nicely. I am more disgusted by my lack of judgement then I am of anything. I am free of all that was before refreshed and confident like never before. It's over finally.