. they say it’s appropriate to kiss and tell and I think that’s true you shouldn’t do those things then let me tell you a story of Paul that’s not always true when did the stalking begin like don’t even remember it got really bad right before his wedding and after his honeymoon suddenly strange characters appeared and they were all basically the same person let me think 1 23 4five different profiles all the same person what in particular who was very sexually aggressive and have a certain list of things that he wanted he wanted me to contact one of my friends so we could have a threesome he’s incredibly turned on by two women having sex he wanted me to getTo get my nipples pierced I’m not really into pain he’s into squirting you know that’s where a man manipulates a woman into releasing fluid that is not urine said he was an expert at it I thought I don’t even know what I thought. Are fig newtons considered cheating on the diet? I don’t know where the change became so abundantly clear to me but soon a lot of people that were important to me just seem to fade away in the relevance and he became one of them when I moved to Florida he was all over me with his fake accounts wanted to see if I was OK but he couldn’t simply just be himself he had to hide behind some fake profiles I was never more disgusted she said it had a breakdown that was evident clearly